
How many professional talents are needed for the birth of an injection molding machine?


The role of injection molding machine need not be described too much. All the plastic products in our daily life are produced by injection molding machine. For example, plastic water cups, water basins, toothbrushes, as small as the speakers in mobile phones, and large color TV plastic casings as large as 60 or 70 inches, are all the credit of the injection molding machine!
So the question is, how many professionals does such an injection molding machine need from design to finished product delivery?
Mechanical Design Engineer
First of all, the entire injection molding machine is a piece of mechanical equipment, and there must be precise drawings before production. The role of the mechanical designer is to design drawings based on customer needs through careful calculations and measurements.
With the drawings, the next step is the task of the foundry. The role of the caster can be said to be huge. How steel is forged, steel hardness, strength, grinding, perforation, and hole size all require the caster's precise accuracy. This requires years of accumulated experience.
Electrical automation engineer
His role is to design the appearance and the overall mechanical operation. For example, the design and installation of the switch, the direction of the circuit, the extension of the mechanical arm, and the design of the alarm system of the injection molding machine are all related to the electrical automation engineer.
The task of the electrician is to connect the complicated circuit to the mechanical circuit according to the circuit diagram, and then test the normal operation of the circuit.
Injection molding machines have an operating system, and the entire operating system requires programmers to code programs.
Homepage designer
The number or name of each position of the page image seen on the big screen needs to be completed by a page designer. Including page image design, font design, and overall layout.
The entire injection molding machine basically needs these professionals to fully produce an injection molding machine. The injection molding machine itself needs to work with the mold to produce plastic products. Each injection molding machine can be equipped with different molds. As long as the tonnage and size are within the acceptable range of the injection molding machine, any plastic product can be produced.
The production process of a plastic product is like this. The first is the plastic model needed to produce the product. It passes through the barrel and enters the injection molding machine to heat and melt the screw. The screw melts the original plastic particles into the mold. After the mold is cooled by the mold, a product is born. Up.
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